Welcome to Fair Trade Recycling

Fair Trade Recycling is an association which brings together exporters and importers of used goods and recycling services.

The association has worldwide membership, and is based in Vermont, USA. The members strive to create fair, open, and environmentally sustainable trade regimes, especially for reuse, repair and recycling of used electronics.

Members believe that neither extreme - abuse of poor trading partners (forced to accept "toxics along for the ride"), nor boycotts and prohibitions of the "geeks of color" overseas, represents a solution to the challenges of "e-waste" and other international trade.

We offer a Recycling Pledge to Importers and Exporters Alike, and we offer tools for members to demonstrate their best practices. Our association is represented in R2 Stakeholder groups, in University Sustainability Programs, and has been a consultant to EPA and International Organizations seeking to improve the Recycling trade.

* WR3A is Fair Trade Recycling

The World Reuse, Repair and Recycling Association [WR3A] was incorporated in Vermont in 2006.  The non-profit organization acted as a business consortium to connect buyers and sellers of used electronics and other recyclables who wanted to eliminate 'toxics along for the ride'.

Benefits to Importers and Exporters who joined WR3A included:

  • Defined Terms of Trade
  • Purchase Orders with Mutual Veto
  • Reconciliation Reports
  • Photos, Site Visits, and Audits

After WR3A was established, EPA embraced the concept of audited fair trade and established a group, Responsible Recyclers, to define R2 Standards.  Another association, which has no international members and includes Original Equipment Manufacturers, now administers those standards and certifications.  WR3A remains on that board to represent the interests of buyers overseas, and USA companies which trade respectably with those buyers.

Many of WR3A's standards are now adapted by R2, overseen by R2 Solutions, which involves regular inspections to ensure companies meet not only fair trade recycling standards, but also follow domestic labor and environmental laws.

By 2010, the members of WR3A recognized a conflict of interest in the "cooperative" model.   Existing members did not have an incentive to recruit new suppliers as demand for working product fell, and overseas members increasingly felt they could obtain many goods they needed locally outside the USA.  However, members agreed that the WR3A served an important role in representing the positive side of the trade, and in having established a 5 year history as a cooperative seller.

In 2011, WR3A changed its name and its mission statement, and now advocates "fair trade recycling" as a principle - without necessarily managing the actual trade of goods and services between members.  We believe this will free the association to recruit more members, including some who may not trade overseas, but who may support the fair trade restrictions and standards which WR3A represents.